Ethical Practice Through Evidence-based and Culturally-responsive Disability Evaluations
This self-study course, offered for 0.3 ASHA CEUs (optional), focuses on how to ensure ethical practices in speech-language evaluations. It first reviews current research on culturally and linguistically responsive evaluations using ASHA’s Code of Ethics as a lens. Then SLP Change Makers clinicians, supervisors, academics, and administrators discuss what they did in their school districts to provide ethical and culturally responsive evaluation.
Evidence Based Practice in Disability Evaluations
This self-study course, offered for 0.6 ASHA CEUs (optional), focuses on clinician skill-building of evidence-based approaches to elicit and analyze language samples through videos of children/students using the School-age Language Assessment Measures (SLAM), both in person and via telepractice.
Advanced Grammar Fundamentals for a Pluralistic Society
Grammar Fundamentals for a Pluralistic Society
Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate EI Evaluations
Differential Diagnosis in Preschool Evaluations: A Case Study
Disorder, Difference, or Gap?: A School-Age Disability Evaluation
English Cleft Palate Speech Therapy: Evaluation and Treatment
Bahasa (Indonesian) Cleft Palate Speech and Feeding Course
La Terapia del Habla para la Fisura del Paladar: Evaluación y Tratamiento
Este curso de aprendizaje independiente, se enfoca en la evaluación y el tratamiento de desordenes del habla de paladar hendido.
CDC Developmental Milestones
In these modules, Dr. Catherine Crowley focuses on the expected cognitive, language and communication, physical and social-emotional developmental milestones published by the Centers for Disease Control. Topics include what to expect at each age from birth through age three in each of these areas. After viewing the modules, test yourself on the information by accessing the online assessment. These modules are not for ASHA CEU credit.