(Chichewa) Cleft Palate Therapy Word Game for P

This is part of the series of Bantu cleft palate speech therapy word games. This therapy game is unique in that it targets the one high pressure sound /p/ the child is targeting paired with other low pressure and nasal sounds which the child should be able to produce free of error.

(Vietnamese) Cleft Palate Practice for C

(Vietnamese) Cleft Palate Practice for C

This is part of the series of cleft palate books. The book targets C in Vietnamese Download: (Vietnamese) Cleft Palate Practice for C Chú Cuội Cung Trăng is one in a series of books written in Vietnamese for children with repaired cleft palate. The book focuses on C....
(Vietnamese) Cleft Palate Practice for B

(Vietnamese) Cleft Palate Practice for B

This is part of the series of cleft palate books. The book targets B in Vietnamese Download: (Vietnamese) Cleft Palate Practice for B The Little Bee (Ong bé nhỏ) is one in a series of books written in Vietnamese for children with repaired cleft palate. The book...