Most administrators, who make the ultimate decision on whether or not a child needs services, never actually see the child. For that reason, it is extremely important that the evaluator include all the necessary information in their evaluation. This is a template of all the necessary sections in an evaluation.

Identifying Information

  • Client:
  • Chronological age:
  • DOB:
  • DOE Id Number:
  • Clinicians:

General Background Information

The background section of the evaluation is essential in order to diagnose the presence of a language disorder. Many factors that would be identified in the background section of a report have an impact on what the child will bring to the evaluation. These factors include socioeconomic status, cultural and linguistic exposure, and recent family structure changes.

Read more about the background section HERE

Language Background and Use

This section includes information about the child’s language development and acquisition, including exposure to other languages and dialects. Without this information, it is impossible to differentiate a disorder or delay from processes of normal second language acquisition.

Read more about the language background and use section HERE


Every speech and language report MUST include information regarding the child’s hearing. A speech and language disorder can not be diagnosed if the child’s hearing has not been determined to be within normal limits.

Behavioral Observations

This includes any behaviors noted while the evaluator is with the child and/or parent on the day of the evaluation. This should include any information about the child’s behavior that may help to explain or support the recommendations made by the evaluator.

Oral Peripheral and Structural Assessment

An oral peripheral exam is an essential part of an evaluation that can be used to provide information about the presence or absence of structural anaomalies, which may be an indication of a syndrome with concommitant speech and language delay/ disorder or an explanation of issues with intelligibilty or articulation.

Voice and Fluency

An analysis of the child’s voice and fluency.

Phonology and Articulation/Intelligibility

An analysis of the child’s phonological repertoire, articulation errors and intelligibilty. If the child is bilingual, analysis of phonology of both languages should be performed.

Language Assessment

This section will include a hologram of the child, which is a detailed description of a child within an evaluation that illustrates the child’s strengths and weaknesses to the reader.

Read more about holograms HERE

Assessment Materials

Provide a list of evaluation materials. This should always include a parent interview and dynamic assessment procedures. If standardized test items are used, they should not be scored or judged against the normative sample.

Expressive Language

An analysis of the child’s expressive language ability. This will often include holograms of the child’s speech in the evaluation as well as the samples brought in by the child’s parent from critical question #9.

Receptive Language

An analysis of the child’s receptive language ability.

Conclusions/Informed Clinical Opinion/Clinical Judgement

In this section, the evaluator summarizes and synthesizes the data included throughout the evaluation to present a clear picture of the child’s strengths and weaknesses. The evaluator should then use his or her clinical judgement to compare the child’s skills to the skills of peers in the child’s speech community and determine if there is a delay or disorder. If a delay or disorder exists, the evaluator should quantify that delay to determine whether or not it is recommended that the child receive special education services.

Read more about quantification HERE


In this section, the evaluator presents a succinct list of recommendations, including whether or not services are warranted. If they are warranted, this section will include the type of services, the frequency of services, and the setting of services. Additional recommendations might include referrals to a specialist or other professional, recommendations for parent training, or recommendations for a preschool program.