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PD3Today was the third and final day of our 3-day Professional Development Retreat. All teachers who attended the retreat received a certificate and a bag of materials/supplies donated by us TC students and our friends and families. From the teacher surveys, we were all excited to find that most teachers found all of our talks and activities over the weekend to be tremendously helpful and beneficial to their students! Many teachers were eager to make AAC market cards, name tags for students, communication passports, and community request cards, and all were even more eager to implement the materials in the classrooms. We were truly grateful to have had this wonderful learning and sharing experience with the brilliant teachers who care so deeply for their students.


After the retreat ended, we were invited by a Sunyani unit school teacher to visit two of his students and their families. Both students and their families had tremendous stories to share about the skills acquired at the unit school. The parents explained how both students experienced substantial growth; one father proudly told us about how his son can now independently perform activities of daily living and small errands.


Tomorrow morning we embark on a journey back to Accra, where we will be working with speech language pathologists and doctors at the Korle Bu Teaching Hospital in assessment and treatment of children and adults with speech and language difficulties.