We have taken our School-age Language Assessment Measures (SLAM) cards and updated them for use in teletherapy via the Boom learning platform to create SLAM BOOM! Cards! We are happy to announce the opening of our Leaders Project storefront on Boomlearning.com, where...
Russian (русский язык) SLAM Card Translations
Here you will find the School-age Language Assessment Measures (SLAM) translated into Russian (русский язык) by Julia Kharlamenko, MS, CF-SLP. RUSSIAN (русский язык) The Subway – Метро The Subway (Questions)- Метро (вопросов) The Subway (Picture) –...SLAM Understanding Spoken Stories
This set of short stories was created to evaluate children’s understanding of spoken stories. There are three versions of each, for three different age groups (ages 5 and up).