SLAM BOOM! Video on Access & Use
Leaders Project has recently adapted the School-age Language Assessment Measures (SLAM) cards for the boomlearning.com platform to make SLAM BOOM! Cards! SLAM Guidelines for Analysis have been created to aid with your note-taking and evaluation during a language...Difference Disorder or Gap: A School-Age Disability Evaluation (DDoG Playlist)
In this playlist, Dr. Cate Crowley walks evaluators through a step-by-step approach to how to assess and evaluate a school-aged child based on current federal law, state regulations, ASHA guidelines, and evidence-based practice.

Academic Language in Receptive and Expressive Language (DDPE Playlist: Module 4)
In this video module, Cate introduces the child being evaluated for this case study and begins the evaluation by using a variety of materials available on LEADERSproject.org.