(Asante Twi) All About Me Books
The Asante Twi “All About Me” books are part of a series of Ghanaian language books developed as literacy tools to be used by special education teachers in unit schools throughout Ghana. With these books, children can improve their vocabulary, literacy, and...
(Ewe) All About Me Books
The Ewe “All About Me” books are part of a series of Ghanaian language books developed as literacy tools to be used by special education teachers in unit schools throughout Ghana. With these books, children can improve their vocabulary, literacy, and phonological...
(Fanti) All About Me Books
The Fanti “All About Me” books are part of a series of Ghanaian language books developed as literacy tools to be used by special education teachers in unit schools throughout Ghana. With these books, children can improve their vocabulary, literacy, and phonological...
(Ga) All About Me Books
The Ga “All About Me” books are part of a series of Ghanaian language books developed as literacy tools to be used by special education teachers in unit schools throughout Ghana. With these books, children can improve their vocabulary, literacy, and phonological...
(English) All About Me Books
The English “All About Me” books are part of a series of Ghanaian language books developed as literacy tools to be used by special education teachers in unit schools throughout Ghana. With these books, children can improve their vocabulary, literacy, and phonological...Culture and the Intraoral Exam: The Uvulectomy
Catherine Crowley and Miriam Baigorri of Teachers College Columbia University developed the “Building Capacity: The Cleft Palate Speech Training Project” for local professionals to begin to acquire the academic and clinical skills needed to provide quality services to children with cleft lip and palate.

SLAM Bunny Goes to School Cards – Ghana
This set of language elicitation cards and questions was designed as a tool to be used in assessing language for preschool and elementary school aged children.
AAC Market Cards in Ghana (Playlist)
AAC market cards were developed by Cate Crowley and Miriam Baigorri in collaboration with Belinda Bukari in response to a desire from the families that their children be able to participate in a typical activity for Ghanaian children: buying food for the family at the market.
Narrative Stories (Playlist)
This is a video created in several languages, to provide guidance on creating social stories similar to those created by Carol Grey.