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(Shona) Cleft Palate Therapy Word Games

This is part of the Shona cleft palate speech therapy word games. These therapy games are unique in that they target a high pressure sound /s/ and voiced bilabial /b/ and pair them with other low pressure and nasal sounds which the child should be able to produce free of error.

Download:  1. Shona Cleft Palate Therapy Word Game (S) 

Download:  Shona Cleft Palate Therapy Word Game (B) 

This therapy game focuses on the /s/ and /b/ sounds. Children receiving speech therapy after a repaired cleft palate should practice speech sounds 100 times a day if they want to improve. With these therapy word games, children can practice at home with their family or on their own! The therapy game can be downloaded for free with this link.

Directions: Illustrations for game coming soon!

Created by: Victoria V. Kandido, Lucas Chikosi, Sandra Kasu, and Sibusisiwe Yona. Directed by Catherine Crowley.