by okv2000 | Feb 8, 2025
In this video, Melissa Farkouh, M.Sc., a speech-language pathologist from Canada, provides a brief tutorial on accessing the newly translated PRE-SLAM materials in French. She also explains how evaluators can effectively use these materials in dynamic assessments, designed for children from preschool to seven years old.
by okv2000 | Feb 8, 2025
In this video, Olivia Volmar, a student at Teachers College, Columbia University, provides a brief tutorial on how to access the newly translated PRE-SLAM & SLAM materials in Haitian Creole. She additionally provides a description about how evaluators can best used these materials in dynamic assessment.
by LEADERSproject | Jan 2, 2023
This is part of the series of Malagasy cleft palate speech therapy word games. This therapy game is unique in that it targets one high pressure sound (K), which the child is learning, paired with other low pressure and nasal sounds that the child should be able to produce free of error.
by Leaders Project | Jan 1, 2023 |
Estamos feliz de anunciar nuestra tienda en Para visitar a nuestra tienda haga clic en el enlace: Aquí puede buscar una versión interactiva de “Un perro viene a la casa”. Estas cartas son de SLAM...
by Leaders Project | Jan 1, 2023
Leaders Project ha adaptado las tarjetas originales de medidas de evaluación del lenguaje de edad escolar (SLAM) para la plataforma para crear las tarjetas de SLAM BOOM! Las guías de SLAM para el análisis se han creado para ayudarte a tomar notas y...
by Leaders Project | Dec 29, 2022
This is an Italian cleft palate book to practice the P and B sounds.
by Kristin | Dec 8, 2022
This document is intended for SLPs to use in discussions with parents. / Ce document est destiné aux orthophonistes à utiliser dans les discussions avec les parents.
by LEADERSproject | Dec 7, 2022 |
La valutazione dei fonemi e della loro stimolabilità Translated by Chiara D’Alessandro; Directed by Dr. Catherine Crowley
by LEADERSproject | Dec 7, 2022 |
Livello dopo livello, le attività da svolgere nella terapia logopedica per la Palatoschisi (Cleft Palate Speech Therapy Hierarchy) Translated by Chiara D’Alessandro; Directed by Dr. Catherine Crowley
by LEADERSproject | Dec 7, 2022 |
ALLATTARE BAMBINI CON PALATOSCHISI Translated by Chiara D’Alessandro; Directed by Dr. Catherine Crowley