by okv2000 | Feb 8, 2025
In this video, Melissa Farkouh, M.Sc., a speech-language pathologist from Canada, provides a brief tutorial on accessing the newly translated PRE-SLAM materials in French. She also explains how evaluators can effectively use these materials in dynamic assessments, designed for children from preschool to seven years old.
by Kristin | Dec 8, 2022
This document is intended for SLPs to use in discussions with parents. / Ce document est destiné aux orthophonistes à utiliser dans les discussions avec les parents.
by Kristin | Aug 6, 2020 |
Ce document présente les questions les plus importantes a poser aux parents d’enfants ayant une fente palatine lors d’un entretien./ This document gives the most important questions to ask parents of children with a cleft palate during an interview.
by Kristin | Aug 6, 2020
Ce document est utilisé par les thérapeutes pour évaluer la parole et déterminer la présence d’erreurs communes associées à une fente palatine/ This document is used by therapists to screen individuals to determine the presences of common speech errors associated with cleft palate.
by Kristin | Aug 5, 2020 |
Ce document décrit la hiérarchie de l’orthophonie pour un enfant après une intervention chirurgicale pour réparer sa fente palatine.
This document describes the appropriate hierarchy of speech therapy for a child after they have received surgery to repair their cleft palate.
by Leaders Project | Mar 24, 2016
This is part of the series of cleft palate books. The book targets T and D in French. / Livre pour la pratique des sons T et D à la suite de la réparation fentes labio-palatines.
by Leaders Project | Dec 22, 2015
Part of the series of cleft palate books. This one is for B and P in French. / Livre pour la pratique des sons B et P à la suite de la réparation fentes labio-palatines.