(Mandarin) Cleft Palate Practice for K and G
This is part of the series of cleft palate books. The book targets K and G in Mandarin. / 《叩叩叩,快开门》是为唇腭裂儿童术后康复撰写的普通话系列丛书之一
This is part of the series of cleft palate books. The book targets K and G in Mandarin. / 《叩叩叩,快开门》是为唇腭裂儿童术后康复撰写的普通话系列丛书之一
This is part of the series of cleft palate books. The book targets Sh and Zh in Mandarin. / 《施叔叔数数》是为唇腭裂儿童术后康复撰写的普通话系列丛书之一
Baby Loves is one in a series of books written in Mandarin for children with repaired cleft palate. /《宝宝爱。。。》是为唇腭裂儿童术后康复撰写的普通话系列丛书之一
When the Day Breaks is part of a series of books written in Mandarin for children with repaired cleft palate. / 《天亮了》是为唇腭裂儿童术后康复撰写的普通话系列丛书之一