by Leaders Project | Dec 3, 2013
Cate Crowley and several recent graduates of the Teachers College Columbia University speech-language pathology program created and presented this poster at the ASHA convention in Chicago, 2013.
by Leaders Project | Dec 3, 2013
Cate Crowley and several recent graduates of the Teachers College Columbia University speech-language pathology program created and presented this poster at the ASHA convention in Chicago, 2013.
by Leaders Project | Nov 25, 2013
The PLS-5 is designed for use with children aged birth through 7;11 to assess language development and only be used to probe for information and not to identify a disorder or disability.
by Leaders Project | Mar 19, 2013
This study added to the growing body of literature demonstrating a correlation between socioeconomic status and performance on standardized vocabulary tests.
by Leaders Project | Mar 1, 2013
It is important to be as thorough as possible when writing the background section of the evaluation as extenuating circumstances could explain a delay in language development and also help the evaluator differentiate between a delay, disorder, or normal language development, given the circumstances.