(Mandarin) Cleft Palate Practice for T and D
When the Day Breaks is part of a series of books written in Mandarin for children with repaired cleft palate. / 《天亮了》是为唇腭裂儿童术后康复撰写的普通话系列丛书之一
When the Day Breaks is part of a series of books written in Mandarin for children with repaired cleft palate. / 《天亮了》是为唇腭裂儿童术后康复撰写的普通话系列丛书之一
This is a video created in French, to demonstrate the use of AAC Market Cards in aiding children from Ghanaian families to participate in typical activities to help out their families.
This is a video created in several languages, to provide guidance on creating social stories similar to those created by Carol Grey.
This is a video in Amharic, to provide guidance on creating social stories similar to those created by Carol Grey.
This is a video created in Amharic, to demonstrate the use of AAC Market Cards in aiding children from Ghanaian families to participate in typical activities to help out their families.
This is a video created in Swahili, to demonstrate the use of AAC Market Cards in aiding children from Ghanaian families to participate in typical activities to help out their families.
This is a video created in Gikomba, to demonstrate the use of AAC Market Cards in aiding children from Ghanaian families to participate in typical activities to help out their families.
This is a video created in Rukiga Runyankole, to demonstrate the use of AAC Market Cards in aiding children from Ghanaian families to participate in typical activities to help out their families.
This is a video created in Kikuyu, to demonstrate the use of AAC Market Cards in aiding children from Ghanaian families to participate in typical activities to help out their families.
This is a video in Swahili, to provide guidance on creating social stories similar to those created by Carol Grey.