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Preschool Disability Evaluations Playlist

Picture of subway SLAM card

Click for Details: This language elicitation card and questions were designed as a tool to be used in assessing language for preschool and elementary school aged children. Developed by Cate Crowley and Miriam Baigorri. Illustrated by Tina Yeung.

Find the playlist for the full set of videos in this module series here:

Grammar Fundamentals for a Pluralistic Society Playlist

Find each of the modules from this playlist here:

Insights from Grammar (Grammar Fundamentals: Module 01)

Nouns, Determiners and Pronouns (Grammar Fundamentals: Module 02)

Verbs (Grammar Fundamentals: Module 03)

Adjectives, Adverbs, Prepositions and Contractions (Grammar Fundamentals: Module 04)

Phrases, Clauses and Sentences (Grammar Fundamentals: Module 05)

Real World Applications in Disability Evaluations: Grammar Fundamentals: Module 06)

Please find links to research mentioned in this module here:

Burns, F. A., Villiers, P.A., Pearson, B.Z., & Champion, T.B. (2012). Dialect-Neutral Indices of Narrative Cohesion and Evaluation. Language, Speech and Hearing Services in Schools, 43(2), 132-152.

Justice, L. M., & Ezell, H. K. (2002). The Syntax Handbook: Everything You Learned about Syntax–But Forgot. Thinking Publications.

Valenti, D. (2014). Socially Stigmatized Dialects. Teachers College Columbia University, Bilingual Extension Institute, New York, NY.