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In this module, Cate analyzes the results of her direct clinical interactions with Sofie.

In this module, Cate analyzes the results of her direct clinical interactions with Sofie. Using the SLAM Subway picture and CELF-5 Recalling Sentences, Word Classes, and Word Definitions subtests, we find out that Sofie has acquired all of the features of Standard American English but has significant gaps in vocabulary knowledge.

Find related resources here:

SLAM materials used in this module.

The Critical Questions (Parent and Teacher Interview)-THECRITICALQUESTIONShandoutFinalCopy (1).pdf

Written evaluation for Sofie: ModelEval136-EnglishSpanish-TD-SchoolAgeEvalPlaylistDDoG (1)

Find the entire playlist here: Difference, Disorder or Gap: A School Age Disability Evaluation (DDoG Playlist)

Find Individual Modules here:

Difference Disorder or Gap: Language Acquisitional History, Family History, and Educational Background (DDoG: Module 1)

Difference, Disorder or Gap: Academic Performance and Teacher Interview (DDoG Module 2)

Difference, Disorder or Gap: Student- Evaluator Clinical Interaction (DDoG Module 3)

Difference, Disorder or Gap: Analysis and Disability Determination (DDoG Module 4)

Relevant Research: 

Burns, de Villiers, Pearson & Champion (2012) Dialect Neutral Indices of Narrative Cohesion and Evaluation

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