Endoscopy: Pharyngeal Flap
In this video we can see a child who has had a “pharyngeal flap” procedure done to correct velopharyngeal incompetence (VPI). This has made a significant difference in the child’s speech.
In this video we can see a child who has had a “pharyngeal flap” procedure done to correct velopharyngeal incompetence (VPI). This has made a significant difference in the child’s speech.
This playlist includes videos of endoscopies done on individuals with and without velopharyngeal incompetence.
In this video we can see velopharyngeal movement in a typical speaker.
Here we can see a child who has poor velopharyngeal closure (velopharyngeal incompetence) because of scarring due to cleft palate. Child can close from the sides but not from the center, this will require surgery to correct.
In this video we can see this video we can see the improved closure of the velopharyngeal port through an endoscopy. This demonstrates improvement after speech therapy.
La cuarta parte de la tercera clase presenta una estrategia llamado las Silabas de Acevedo./ The fourth part of the third class presents a strategies called the Acevedo Spoke to work with syllables.
Este es parte de una serie de vídeos que muestran cómo usar los libros creado por leadersproject.org para ayudar a los niños con el paladar hendido reparado. En este vídeo, vemos el libro “Mira Mira Sammy Sosa” para practicar la “S.” / This is part of a series of videos that show how to use books created by leadersproject.org to help children with repaired cleft palate. In this video we see “Sammy Sosa” for practicing S.
Este es parte de una serie de vídeos que muestran cómo usar los libros creado por leadersproject.org para ayudar a los niños con el paladar hendido reparado. En este vídeo, vemos el libro “Practiquen con Nosotros” para practicar la “T,” “D,” y “N.” / This is part of a series of videos that show how to use books created by leadersproject.org to help children with repaired cleft palate. In this video we see “Practiquen con Nosotros” for practice with the T, D and N.