Ghana January 2014: A New Year, New People, New Experiences

After the 10 hour transatlantic flight and a 4 hour bus ride, we have arrived! Our first days in Ghana have already been filled with learning and a range of cultural experiences. We rang in the New Year in a country new to most of our group by attending a local church...

Test Review: CELF-P2 Spanish

The CELF-P2 is designed to assess the presence of a language disorder or delay in Spanish speaking students and only be used to probe for information and not to identify a disorder or disability.

Test Review: Bayley-III

While using they Bayley III, scores should not be calculated or used to diagnose speech and/or language delay/disorder or to determine special education services.

Test Review: PLS-5 Spanish

The PLS-5 Spanish is designed to determine the presence and severity of a receptive, expressive, or receptive-expressive language delay or disorder and only be used to probe for information and not to identify a disorder or disability.

Ghana 2013: Inspired by the Unit School Community

Today we visited our first Unit School. It is at the Effiduasi Methodist School where Belinda Bukari, with whom Dr. Crowley has been working for six years, teaches students with intellectual disabilities and autism. Through her hard work in establishing educational...