Cleft Palate Therapy: Sounds in Syllables “The Acevedo Spoke”
This video presents the “Acevedo Spoke” method of teaching children with repaired cleft palate to produce consonants in syllables.
This video presents the “Acevedo Spoke” method of teaching children with repaired cleft palate to produce consonants in syllables.
In this playlist, Dr. Cate Crowley walks evaluators through a step-by-step approach to how to assess and evaluate a school-aged child based on current federal law, state regulations, ASHA guidelines, and evidence-based practice.
Cate introduces the module series, explaining the evidence an evaluator needs to distinguish a true disorder from a language difference or academic gaps resulting from a lack of adequate educational instruction.
In this module, Cate looks at Sofie’s academic achievement through past standardized test scores, an extensive teacher interview, observations of her schoolwork, and information from Sofie and her mother.
In this module, Cate analyzes the results of her direct clinical interactions with Sofie.
In this module, Cate focuses on making Sofie’s differential diagnosis to distinguish a disorder from a difference from an academic gap.
Esta serie de vídeos muestra cómo usar los libros creado por leadersproject.org para ayudar a los niños con el paladar hendido reparado. / This series of videos shows how to use books created by leadersproject.org to help children with repaired cleft palate.
AAC market cards were developed by Cate Crowley and Miriam Baigorri in collaboration with Belinda Bukari in response to a desire from the families that their children be able to participate in a typical activity for Ghanaian children: buying food for the family at the market.
Este es parte de una serie de vídeos que muestran cómo usar los libros creado por leadersproject.org para ayudar a los niños con el paladar hendido reparado. En este vídeo, vemos el libro “Mira Mira Sammy Sosa” para practicar la “S.” / This is part of a series of videos that show how to use books created by leadersproject.org to help children with repaired cleft palate. In this video we see “Sammy Sosa” for practicing S.
Este es parte de una serie de vídeos que muestran cómo usar los libros creado por leadersproject.org para ayudar a los niños con el paladar hendido reparado. En este vídeo, vemos el libro “Practiquen con Nosotros” para practicar la “T,” “D,” y “N.” / This is part of a series of videos that show how to use books created by leadersproject.org to help children with repaired cleft palate. In this video we see “Practiquen con Nosotros” for practice with the T, D and N.