Differential Diagnosis in Preschool Evaluations: A Case Study (DDPE Playlist)
Dr. Cate Crowley walks us through an appropriate evaluation of a culturally and linguistically diverse (CLD) preschooler, previously misdiagnosed. She takes us from the parent interview, to interacting with the child, writing the evaluation and even formulating appropriate IEP goals.

Motor Speech, Articulation, and Speech Sound Inventory (DDPE Playlist: Module 7)
In this module, Cate continues with the evaluation by performing an assessment of Alex’s speech and articulation through the use of an articulation screener from the PLS-5.

Dynamic Assessment: Nonword Repetition, Syllable and Sentence Repetition (DDPE Playlist: Module 8)
In this module Cate discusses using dynamic assessment using repetition of nonwords, sentences and syllables (Dollaghan & Campbell, 1998) to help confirm Alex’s diagnosis of developmental apraxia.

Putting It All Together in the Written Evaluation Report (DDPE Playlist: Module 9)
This module reviews how Cate combines all the information gathered during the assessment and puts it together into a diagnosis and final report.

Developing Appropriate Goals for the IEP (DDPE Playlist: Module 10)
In this module, Cate reviews the conclusions of the evaluation and works to develop goals that will provide the support that Alex really needs.
Understanding Assessment: Nonword Repetition Assessment Task
This document contains the nonword tasks first developed by Dollaghan & Campbell (1998) as part of assessment that is less biased towards diverse populations.
Dynamic Assessment: How Does it Work in the Real World of Preschool Evaluations?
In a disability evaluation, we ask a child to point “to the triangle” or “to the author” as part of test developed to identify disorder. An evaluator who uses this kind of test to identify disability must assume that all children being evaluated have had similar...Dynamic Assessment: Non-Word Repetition Task Part 1 (PDE: Module 29)
This module demonstrates dynamic assessment using the non-word repetition task with a typically developing child and a low-average performing child.
Dynamic Assessment: Non-word Repetition Task Part 2 (PDE: Module 30)
This module demonstrates dynamic assessment using the non-word repetition task with a child with a mild language delay and a child with a moderate to severe delay.