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Sometimes the language skills our children from low income backgrounds bring don’t always match the language information load of the classroom. We can increase contextualization in the classroom to support learning through a variety of strategies such as hands on learning, group tasks and reciprocal learning as well as opportunities for individual exploration. Strategies that can be used outside the classroom are also provided.

Find the playlist for the full set of videos in this module series here:

Increasing the Language Skills of Children from Low-Income Backgrounds Playlist

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Please find links to research mentioned in this module here:

Aram, D. M. and Nation, J. E. (1980) Preschool language disorders and subsequent language and academic difficulties. Journal of Communication Disorders, 13(2), 150-170.

Bloom, L., & Lahey, M. (1978). Language development and language disorders.

Farah, M. J., Noble, K. G., & Hurt, H. (2005). Poverty, privilege, and brain development: empirical findings and ethical implications. Neuroethics in the 21st Century.

Windsor, J., & Kohnert, K. (2004). The Search for Common GroundPart I. Lexical Performance by Linguistically Diverse Learners. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 47(4), 877-890.

Wolfe, C. D., & Bell, M. A. (2004). Working memory and inhibitory control in early childhood: Contributions from physiology, temperament, and language.Developmental psychobiology, 44(1), 68-83.